Definitive pursues a future in which its PPM solutions are broadly recognized as best-in-class.

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State of the Industry: Trends suggest a growing demand for more integrated, decision-centric PPM solutions.

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The National Guard Bureau Counterdrug Division selects Definitive to assist with prioritizing threats.

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Definitive Pro’s T-Shirt Size Estimating feature enables resource managers to efficiently create early-stage project cost estimates.

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Definitive provides a broad range of consulting services to facilitate decision-making, solve complex problems, and manage portfolios and projects.

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Prioritize your projects and optimize spend. Use our portal to manage demand and develop better plans, forecasts, and budgets.

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Our Feature of the Week: T-Shirt Size Estimating in Definitive Pro

Definitive Pro’s T-Shirt Size Estimating feature empowers resource managers to develop early-stage cost estimates for projects, even when data is sparse. By allowing resource managers to define t-shirt sizes (extra small, small, medium, large, extra-large) based on customized guidelines, this tool provides a simplified yet effective method for preliminary project assessment. Managers can quickly align a project’s scope with a corresponding t-shirt size, facilitating an initial resource allocation and cost estimation. This feature enables high-level planning and timeline creation, ensuring that projects are realistically scoped and resourced from the outset. The t-shirt size estimating feature enhances forecasting accuracy, supports agile project management practices, and helps organizations make informed decisions early in the project lifecycle, ultimately leading to more efficient and effective resource utilization.

The National Guard Bureau (NGB) Selects Definitive

The National Guard Bureau Counterdrug Division has selected Definitive to assist with prioritizing threats based on Law Enforcement Agency survey responses to determine funding allocation across the 54 states, territories, and the District of Columbia for the National Guard Counterdrug program. Definitive was awarded a 5-year contract, consisting of a one-year base period and four one-year options.

Our Vision for the Future of PPM Solutions

At Definitive, we envision a future in which our solutions are broadly and widely recognized as best-in-class and essential to organizations planning and governing project investments.

Definitive continues to make investments to dramatically increase brand awareness and product visibility among forward-thinking entities, who are ready to redefine their strategic decision-making frameworks.

We are committed to fostering robust collaborations within the public sector and building meaningful relationships with governmental bodies. By investing continuously in innovation and product development, we ensure that Definitive Pro® remains at the forefront of technology.

Moreover, we aim to forge strategic partnerships, creating a synergistic ecosystem that not only enhances our offerings but also positions us as leaders in the market. Join us as we embark on this journey of growth, innovation, and success, setting new benchmarks in the industry and beyond.

To provide more context on the vision this challenge aims to achieve, Definitive has established the following strategic objectives:

Build Strategic Partnerships and Teaming Opportunities: Foster partnerships with other businesses and organizations in North America to expand reach, improve offerings, and gain competitive advantage in the market.

Increase Brand Awareness and Product Visibility: Engage in a comprehensive marketing and lead generation strategy to increase awareness of the innovative features in Definitive Pro®, specifically targeting potential clients that want to establish decision-making as a core competency and that are open to exploring the use of our new AI capabilities.

Expand into New Market Segments: Identify and target new customer segments, including different industries or geographical regions, where Definitive’s products and services might be applicable.

Enhance Collaboration within the Public Sector: Develop specialized strategies for responding to RFPs and RFQs in the public sector, shifting from reactive to proactive engagement. This includes building new relationships with governmental bodies and organizations.

Invest in Continuous Innovation and Product Development: Continuously enhance our investment planning and decision support solutions by adding innovative features and maintaining an edge in technology, including regular updates to the user interface (UI).

State of the Industry: The Need for Decision-Centric PPM Solutions

Traditionally, project portfolio management (PPM) solutions have not fully addressed how to make complex decisions regarding the selection and management of projects, treating decision-making as an external process, when in reality, decision-making is a crucial part of investment planning. Decision making is required not only at the beginning, for project selection, but throughout the project lifecycle. Inclusion of decision making within project portfolio management is essential for managing risks, allocating resources, and terminating failed projects. Our solution, Definitive Pro®, presents a new approach. Definitive Pro® is a decision management platform that helps customers build consensus and make complex decisions regarding projects, while helping them manage their overall portfolio.

There are several trends that suggest a growing demand for more integrated, decision-centric PPM solutions. They are:

  • Increasing Complexity: Projects are becoming more complex, with multiple interdependencies and risks. In addition, public service organizations need to form partnerships with each other to better seize opportunities, effect change, and address needs of common concern. This increased complexity requires more sophisticated decision-making tools.
  • Higher Stakes: In today’s fast-paced business environment, the stakes are higher. Incorrect decisions can lead to missed opportunities, wasted resources, and competitive disadvantages.
  • Greater Focus on Strategy: There is an increasing recognition of the importance of aligning projects with strategic goals. A decision-centric investment planning solution can help ensure that decisions at all levels support these goals.
  • More Data: Organizations have access to more data than ever before, which can inform decision-making. However, tools to help manage and interpret this data are essential to utilizing data for success.
  • Digital Transformation: More industries are embracing digital transformation, which involves managing multiple complex projects and making critical decisions about which initiatives to pursue.
  • Remote Work and Collaboration: The shift towards remote work has made collaboration more challenging but also more important. Decision-centric investment planning tools can facilitate collaboration and build consensus among distributed teams.

Given these trends, the capabilities available within Definitive Pro® such as integration of decision management with investment planning, have and will continue to become increasingly in demand. By providing tools to build consensus and make complex decisions, Definitive Pro® can help organizations achieve their strategic goals and manage their projects more effectively.

Simulation-Based Credit Analytics: Managing Tail Risk and Uncertainty

ESG, the Pandemic, the Russian invasion, and other events create significant credit uncertainty. The chaotic nature of a new uncertainty world creates significant differences in terms of how people respond and the changes related to their credit behavior. The article described why the new phase largely invalidates credit loss point estimates of the recent past and suggests an alternative credit loss estimation approach using Monte Carlo simulation modeling

Third-Party Risk Management: Getting the Most of Limited Risk Management Budgets

Over my almost 30 years in the banking and decision sciences business, I have had the privilege of hiring, managing, leading, and being led by many fabulous people. My personal style and approach to people management and leadership have evolved over the years. My evolution has much less to do with the changing hiring environment or even the differences between generations, and more to do with my own personal journey and leadership experiences.